반동성애법 피기소자 영어로
- People prosecuted under anti-homosexuality laws
- 피기소자: indictee
- 범죄혐의 피기소자: People charged with crimes
- 인도에 반한 죄 피기소자: People indicted for crimes against humanity
- 전범혐의 피기소자: People indicted for war crimes
- 테러혐의 피기소자: People charged with terrorism
- 국제형사재판소 피기소자: ICC indictees (NavBox)
- 반동성: reactivity
- 기소자: public prosecutor; prosecutor; district attorney; suitor
- 구유고슬라비아 국제형사재판소 피기소자: People indicted by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia
- 뉘른베르크 미군 군사재판 피기소자: People indicted by the United States Nuremberg Military Tribunals
- 동성애: 동성(연)애 [同性性戀戀愛] homosexual love; homosexuality; a homo; a gay; (여성간의) lesbianism. ~를 하는 사람 a homosexual / a homo / a lesbian(여자). ~를 하다 fall in unnatural love .
- 기소자측: prosecution
- 동성애 혐오 동성애 혐오: Homophobia
- 기회적 동성애: Situational sexual behavior